Sanyo Chemical publishes an Integrated Report that integrates non-financial information with business performance, medium- and long-term management policies, and business strategies in order to inform shareholders, investors, and other stakeholders of Sanyo Chemical’s efforts toward sustainable growth.
INTEGRATED REPORT2023(For the year ended March 31, 2023)
Download-Select files
Sanyo Chemical Group Corporate Identity(53KB)
Sanyo Chemical Group History (105KB)
At a Glance (137KB)
Financial and Non-financial Highlights (247KB)
Sanyo Chemical Group Value Creation Process (235KB)
Sanyo Chemical Group Material Issues (58KB)
Message from the President (244KB)
New Medium-Term Management Plan 2025 (1,343KB)
Feature: Dialogue | Safety Improvement and Safety Culture at Production Sites (329KB)
Occupational Safety and Health/Accident Prevention (100KB)
Climate Change(response to TCFD recommendations) (82KB)
Message from the Chairman of the Board of Directors (105KB)
Corporate Governance (92KB)
Risk Management (39KB)
Compliance (49KB)
Directors, Audit & Supervisory Board Members, and Executive Officers (479KB)
Eleven-year Financial Summary (43KB)
Stock Information/Company Overview (106KB)