Sufficient detergency even in small amounts, enabling reductions in the amount of base agents and detergents used.
By reducing the amount of formulation, other functional ingredients can be added, increasing flexibility in formulation and allowing for more highly functional detergent design.
EMULMIN CS-100W Laundry Detergent also offers excellent biodegradability.
Performance Tests-1
Surface Tension Lowering Property for Oil and Fat
EMULMIN CS-100W exhibits high interfacial tension lowering property for oil and fat even at low concentrations compared with other nonionic surfactants.
Figure 1. Surface Tension Lowering Property for Oil and Fat
Materials and Methods
Materials: Surfactants described in Figure 1 were diluted with water to each concentration described
in Figure 1 and used as the samples.
Methods: The samples and the following artificial oils and fats were compounded. Each interfacial
tension of the compounds at 25°C was measured by the droplet discharge method using
by an automatic apparatus for measuring interfacial tension.
2. Detergency: EMULMIN CS-100W exhibits high detergency compared with other nonionic surfactants.
Figure 2. Relationship between Surfactant Concentration and Detergency
Materials and Methods
Surfactants described in Figure 2 were diluted with water to each concentration described in Figure 2 and used as the samples.
5 pieces of artificially soiled fabrics (made by the Washing Science Association) were washed using a Terg-O-Tometer under the conditions shown below, rinsed and dried for 30 min in an air-circulating dryer at 60 °C.
And reflectivity before contamination, reflectivity after washing and reflectivity before washing were measured using a spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 540 nm.
Washing: 1L of sample at 20°C at 100 rpm for 10 min
Rinsing: 1L of water at 20°C at 100 rpm for 10 min
Detergency was calculated by the following equation.
(Reflectivity after washing – Reflectivity before washing)
——————————————————————————X 100
(Reflectivity before contamination – Reflectivity before washing)
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD): JIS K0102 21,32.3
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD): JIS K0102 17
Biodegradability (%)=(BOD/COD)×100